Inorganic Solid State Chemistry - Perenne Nil Nisi Solidum

Welcome to the website of Prof. Dr. Martin Köckerling's "inorganic solid state chemistry" goup at the University of Rostock.

Newest publications can be found here.

Students find information here.


12. February 2021 - A Jubliee
Our CTA Jessica Rockel is with this day 10 years activ in our group. Thank you for the time abd cheers to the next 10 years!

19.  January 2021 - A new doctor
Niels Ole Giltzau successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis today. He will continue working in our group for some time.

03. November 2020 - An excellent new doctor
Eric Sperlich successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis today. We wish him all the best for his future career at the University of Potsdam!

Contact information

University of Rostock
Institute of Chemistry
Inorganic Solid State Chemistry
Albert-Einstein-Straße 3a
18059 Rostock

Prof. Dr. Martin Köckerling
Room: 102
Phone: +49 (0) 381/498-6390

Frau Nadja Kohlmann
Room: 130
Phone: +49 (0)381/498-6381
Fax: +49 (0)381/498-6382

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